B4B (Business for Business) Committee
The B4B (Business For Business) Committee explores public relations ideas, economic avenues and the activities of other committees to determine how the Society could take a more proactive role in small business support and development.
Staff Liaison
Ann LupoCommunications/PR Director
Society of Louisiana CPAs - Metairie
- Ty Boykins
Mollie Broussard
McElroy, Quirk & Burch, (APC), CPAs - Lake Charles
Geoff Campbell
Advantous Consulting, LLC - Baton Rouge
Rocky Ducharme
Wright Moore DeHart Dupuis & Hutchinson, LLC CPAs - Lafayette
Alaina Hanson
Director of Administration
Southern Forest Products Association - Metairie
Ashley Hendrix
Joe Gear Companies - Monroe
Katherine Latapie
Pedelahore & Co., LLP - Hammond
Randy LeBeau
EAG Gulf Coast, LLC - Metairie
Jessica LeBlanc
Jessica D. LeBlanc, CPA, LLC - New Orleans
Karine Makaryan
Sr.Manager Audit & Assurance Services
LaPorte CPAs & Business Advisors - Metairie
Geralyn Suhor
Geralyn Z. Suhor, CPA - Mandeville
John Theriot II
Knight - Masden, CPAs, APAC - Alexandria
Richard Tullier Jr.
Wegmann Dazet, A Professional Corporation - Metairie
Wende Wilson
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC - Shreveport