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Whether you have an hour during lunch or an entire day, LCPA provides quality, flexible options to fit your schedule. Look for the "See more dates" dropdown to view availability. Several events/classes produced by LCPA can be taken either LIVE (In-Person) or VIRTUAL—please ensure you register for the correct one.
LCPA is proud to partner with ACPEN, CPA Crossings, and Surgent to deliver high-quality webcast and self-study content conveniently and cost-effectively. Stand-alone courses and all-access packages are available. Filter using the Vendor name. Learn more.
Analyzing Financial Statements
2.00 Credits
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This course provides tools and insights into financial statement analysis - both quantitative and qualitative. We'll look not only at the three main financial statements but also dive into the MD&A and footnotes. We'll also discuss the affect of industry nuances on comparability of different analysis tools. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Keely Gohl, CPA, CGMA
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How to Start a CFO Service
1.00 Credits
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This Masterclass is a one-hour training to show accountants how they can grow their practice this year through CFO and business advisory services. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Adam Lean
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Surgent's U.S. Taxation of Foreign Corporations: A Case Study Approach
3.00 Credits
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This course is a case study designed to provide a comprehensive overview of U.S. taxation of a foreign corporation. Using a specific example, the course will walk through step-by-step mechanics on how to calculate the income inclusions and foreign tax credits under GILTI (Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income), Subpart F, and PFIC (Passive Foreign Investment Company) regimes. The case study will further evaluate tax impact of subsequent distributions from the foreign corporation and sales of its stock. A compare-and-contrast approach will highlight the different outcomes of these regimes for individuals and for C corporations, empowering participants to advise their clients on the most tax efficient way to structure their international investments.
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The Role of Internal Control in the Risk-Based Audit
4.00 Credits
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This program addresses the role of client internal controls for balancing efficiency and effectiveness in a risk-based audit. Practical insights regarding an auditor's assessment of the risk of material misstatement when auditing financial statements of non-issuers will be explored, with particular emphasis on internal controls of small-to-medium clients. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available for your questions during the event.Speaker - Chris Harper, CPA
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Walter Haig's AICPA Auditing Standards Update
8.00 Credits
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This course will enable practitioners to understand and apply the AICPA "clarification" auditing standards to audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities (SMEs). Further, this course will provide guidance on how to perform an effective, efficient and profitable audit engagement. The course is loaded with practical practice aids to help enable participants to comply with the standards. Troublesome areas as identified in peer reviews and litigation will be covered. Participants who take this course will enjoy smooth sailing in their peer reviews, guaranteed! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Walter J. Haig
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Data Visualization and Mapping Tools for Accountants
2.00 Credits
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The course provides a concise overview of more than 200 data visualization tools which can be used by accountants to enhance the visual appeal of their financial work. All resources are easy-to-use web-based applications that require virtually no artistic or design skill - simply drag and drop, point and click, cut and paste, and/or edit text. You'll discover how to create new image content in a snap to better inform, persuade, and inspire action. Participants will walk away with a whole new creative toolkit and skillset that cuts through data clutter, improves analysis and sharpens decision-making. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Garrett Wasny, MA, CMC, CITP/FIBP
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2024 Common Deficiencies in Employee Benefit Plans
2.00 Credits
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During this presentation, the most common mistakes made by employee benefit plan auditors, as well as, plan sponsors will be identified. Best practices for handling specific issues that arise during the course of the engagement will also be explored. This discussion will help auditors recognize potential pitfalls in audit procedures/documentation and assist plan sponsors with compliance issues. Speaker - Melissa Critcher
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K2's 2024 Optimizing Your Tech Stack For Efficiency And Cost-Effectiveness
2.00 Credits
Is your tech stack aligned with your organizational goals? Is there duplication among software titles? Is your hardware where it needs to be? Get answers to these and other questions in this session! Speaker - Thomas Stephens
Surgent's Top 20 Effective Strategies for Avoiding RMD Mistakes and Penalties: Updated for the Proposed RM
2.00 Credits
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Required minimum distributions (RMDs) must begin for the year in which the account owner reaches age 72 - later if they were born in 1951. RMDs must also be taken from inherited accounts, and the process for determining RMDs for these accounts is more complex than those that apply to RMDs for non-inherited accounts. Failure to comply with the RMD rules will result in the account owner owing the IRS an excess accumulation penalty on any RMD shortfall. Interested parties must understand the compliance requirements that apply to RMDs to be able to assist in ensuring that penalties are avoided. Additionally, the recent changes that affect RMDs must be considered when advising clients about their RMD obligations.
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Valuing Cannabis 2.0: Unique Marijuana Appraisal Challenges
2.00 Credits
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This segment will focus on the analytical process required to derive a logical and supportable estimate of value for a regulated marijuana businesses and related intellectual property rights. Valuing recreational and medical license rights for marijuana cultivation, processing or retailing will be emphasized with a focus on use of the income and market approaches to value. A sample sanitized appraisal report will be provided and discussed. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Ronald L Seigneur, CPA/ABV, ASA, CVA
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Audit 305: Strengthening Substantive Analytic Procedures
2.00 Credits
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Substantive Analytic Procedures - Strengthening Evidence to Satisfy Audit Objectives will provide the tips and best practice techniques for strengthening substantive analytic procedures in order to reduce over-reliance on tests of details. One of the ways to perform a more effective and efficient audit is to maximize the use of substantive analytic procedures in the detailed audit plan. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for in-charge or supervisor auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for analytical procedures. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Jennifer F. Louis, CPA
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2024 Revision to Government Auditing Standards Impact
4.00 Credits
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This course will provide an update of Government Auditing Standards as a result of the GAO's issuance of the 2024 Revision to Government Auditing Standards. The course will focus on the Revisions impact on financial statement audits. The course will also focus on the impact of Quality Management Standards as well as clarify as to when the concept of reporting key audit matters might apply for financial audits. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Daniel W. Bradley, CPA
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Payroll Essentials: Getting to Know Payroll Taxes
2.00 Credits
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Payroll is among the most common tasks an employer undertakes in the course of running their business. At its most basic level, payroll consists of an agreement between an employer and employee related to compensation for services. Once you look under the hood, there is so much more to payroll, including various kinds of compensation, payroll taxes and required reporting on government forms. This course will provide a general introduction to the inner workings of payroll and payroll taxes. We will introduce you to the various types of payroll statutory and withholding taxes, under what conditions and which employees these various types of taxes apply, how to calculate, withhold and deposit those taxes and the related due dates requirements that apply to payroll taxes. This course will include real-life examples of how to process payroll, the withholding and payroll tax deposit regime, familiar payroll forms, and tips and tricks for tying it all together. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Elizabeth Bystrom, CPA
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Securing Your Data with a Password Management App - Updated
2.00 Credits
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Cybersecurity protection is one of the most important responsibilities of every CPA professional to protect the confidentiality of sensitive client information. While there are many aspects of cybersecurity that need to be addressed, the biggest vulnerability to protect against is unauthorized access to your application login credentials. Once your login credentials are breached, the cybercriminal essentially has the keys to your data kingdom. John Higgins, a national leader in the CPA technology, will demonstrate the ease with which you can protect all of your login credentials with maximum security with minimal expense. You will leave this course prepared to deploy this state of the art security tool in your organization. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - John Higgins, CPA.CITP
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Surgent's Time Management for Professionals
2.00 Credits
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The phrase "time management" is misleading. No one manages time. Instead, we manage events in our lives which consume time. Like money, time is both finite and valuable; it should be budgeted and used wisely. Those individuals who "manage" or budget their time wisely often are more productive, less stressed, and able to achieve their goals more effectively than others. Professionals by nature place a high value on their time. Still, successful time management strategies vary based upon the personality, motivation, and discipline of each individual. This course provides simple, practical, and powerful techniques that help professionals work efficiently and achieve better balance in their lives. Successful time management skills also reduce the risk of burnout, which in turn improves the likelihood of achieving success in any endeavor.
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The Impact of ESG Matters on Financial Reporting and Audits
2.00 Credits
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Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has become an area of increasing focus. ESG reporting includes a broad spectrum of quantitative and qualitative information. Interested parties seek to understand the effects of relevant ESG matters on an entity's business strategy, cash flows, financial position, and financial performance. This course will focus on the impact of ESG-related matters on the fair preparation of financial statements and related disclosures, and the related financial statement audit considerations. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Jennifer F. Louis, CPA
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Surgent's Critical Conversations
2.00 Credits
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As uncomfortable as some conversations are, keeping your silence won't resolve the issue and may in fact add to it. No matter which side of the table you find yourself at in a "hard to have" talk, you can learn to benefit from the conversation. In the workshop, you'll learn how to recognize when a conversation becomes critical, how to plan effectively for the conversation, and which communications strategies can help you create a win/win outcome.
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Audit 306: Reviewing Workpapers - A Role in Quality Control
2.00 Credits
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Reviewing Workpapers - Embracing Responsibilities for Quality Control will provide the tips and tools for satisfying important workpaper reviewer responsibilities. Audit documentation provides the principal support for an auditor's report. Therefore, it is critical for workpaper reviewers to perform quality control procedures to ensure that technical, professional, and regulatory standards are met. In addition, the workpaper review process should be used as a tool for professional development and promoting efficient audits. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for in-charge or supervisor auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has workpaper review responsibilities. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Jennifer F. Louis, CPA
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Illicit to Essential: Marijuana & Hemp/CBD Evolving Issues
2.00 Credits
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The webinar will provide an overview of the regulated, legal side of the industry which now includes 19 states with recreational/adult use access and 38 states with medical access. This session will lay a foundation focusing on the modern historical background of the cannabis plant and the evolution of laws and regulations related to marijuana and agricultural hemp. The segment is designed to be useful for CPA practitioners desiring to provide or enhance their services within the cannabis and hemp niches. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Ronald L Seigneur, CPA/ABV, ASA, CVA
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ChatGPT: What Every CPA Should Know-Updated
2.00 Credits
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Don't look now, but ChatGPT is taking the business world, including the accounting profession, by storm. Every CPA, whether in public accounting or working in corporate, should have a fundamental understanding of ChatGPT and generative AI applications more broadly. This course will provide you with a foundation of knowledge about ChatGPT technology that will prepare you to have conversations with clients, customers, colleagues and service providers. More importantly, you will learn how to leverage ChatGPT to increase your personal productivity. If you feel your ChatGPT knowledge is lacking, that will not be the case after you attend this course, taught by John Higgins, one of the leading technology strategists and thought leaders for the accounting profession. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - John Higgins, CPA.CITP