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Showing 2748 All Results

K2's 2023 Using OneNote More And Email Less



2.00 Credits

OneNote is a fantastic application included in your Microsoft 365 subscription. Yet, it is underutilized and misunderstood most of the time. If you genuinely want to change how you work, embrace OneNote. Stop using Outlook as a filing cabinet for essential emails and move them to OneNote instead. If you share a OneNote notebook with others, you can stop emailing altogether within your group and use OneNote as your collaboration and reference platform. Speaker - Connie Clark

Critical Thinking for Financial Professionals



1.00 Credits

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What were they thinking? Why do business leaders sometimes make horrible decisions that severely damage themselves and their organizations? It is tempting to assume that poor choices must be due to someone's incompetence, inexperience, bad character, or low intelligence. Yet, when we make a mistake ourselves, we someone rationalize it as a choice other people would make under the same circumstances. This session will discuss the common decision-making errors people make and to help you avoid making these blunders yourself. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - John L. Daly, MBA, CPA, CMA, CPIM

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QuickBooks - Know the Right Version for Your Client



2.00 Credits

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QuickBooks Desktop has been the go-to solution for companies since 1984 (Intuit originally created Quicken for bank reconciliations) and has grown into a powerful tool to track business finances. QuickBooks Online is one of the fastest growing applications in the accounting market today. With its ability to be an "on-the-go" solution, many service providers, entrepreneurs, and other industries prefer to keep it simple and use QuickBooks Online. Understanding the pros and cons of QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online will help you advise your client on the best solution for their business. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Dawn W. Brolin, CPA, CFE

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Surgent's Management Fundamentals



4.00 Credits

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In a recent Gallup study, 50% of respondents quit because of their manager, which makes your managers and supervisors your company's first line of defense against costly turnover. This program looks at management from a broad perspective and then drills down into key skills needed to manage effectively.

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2024 Accounting & Auditing Update for Small Businesses



4.00 Credits

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For many small businesses, the standards issued by the FASB may have little to no effect as they impact topics that do not reflect the type of transactions that these entities most frequently experience. This class will focus on the Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs) that are most likely to impact small businesses with a focus on ASUs initiated by the Private Company Council (PCC). We'll then look at alternative reporting options to GAAP including FRF for SMEs and IFRS for SMEs for entities who don't necessarily need to prepare GAAP financial statements but want to use accrual accounting. Finally, we will transition to audit standards that small business auditors will need to implement. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Melisa F. Galasso, CPA

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Walter Haig's Business Financial Health Checkup



8.00 Credits

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This course fills an important need for both financial managers and accountants in the practice of public accounting by offering the tools to help ensure the future success of a business. Practical guidance for the effective use of benchmarking and analytical procedure is also provided. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Walter J. Haig

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QuickBooks DESKTOP- Monthly Closeouts and Year-End Cleanups



2.00 Credits

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The process of closing out the books every month can make year-end accounting a breeze! But isn't this time consuming? Not when you know the steps to take monthly. We'll show you what to do in your QuickBooks Pro, Premier, or Enterprise as well as learn what you can do monthly to ensure a tax return that will stand up again an IRS audit. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Dawn W. Brolin, CPA, CFE

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Fraud Busters: Controls to Prevent & Detect Fraud



2.00 Credits

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This course investigates actual real-world fraud schemes and discusses what controls could have prevented the fraud from occurring, and what controls could detect and curtail the fraud scheme. The instructor speaks from experience, finding multiple frauds very early in her career leading to a career-long focus on fraud prevention and detection. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Keely Gohl, CPA, CGMA

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Surgent's Excel Tables and Conditional Summing



2.00 Credits

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In this webinar we will explore the powerful concept of splitting data from reports and dig into the mechanics that enable this technique. The key feature discussed is the Tables feature, and the key function discussed is the multiple-condition summing function. We will illustrate these items in a variety of ways, including building crosstab style reports and mapping tables.

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Ask Me No Questions and I Will Tell You No Lies - The Art of Interviewing & Interrogation



3.00 Credits

When we verbally communicate with an individual, we must make a conscious decision as to whether we believe what we have heard.  Little do we realize that we are not making a decision based on what we have heard; rather we make a subconscious decision based primarily on what we have seen, or how the body was behaving when the subject was speaking.  We often walk away from a conversation with a gut feeling that the person was not telling the truth.  That gut feeling is your subconscious.  Yet we often have no idea as to why we have that feeling. This presentation is designed to provide the participant with the tools to identify those both verbal and nonverbal indicators that we all give off when we are under stress.  Normally, telling the truth does not create stress.  When we lie, we know that we are not supposed to and that creates stress, and it will manifest itself in some manner, and that is what a trained interviewer is looking to observe. When we observe indicators of deception, how do we deal with it?  How do we get the subject to admit to a wrong-doing when it is not in their best interest to do so?  That is one of the many things that will be addressed in this presentation.  Whether you are a parent dealing with you kids; an employer dealing with employees or and investigation interviewing a suspect, this presentation will provide you with the tools to assist you in finding the truth. Speaker - Dennis Dycus

Data Analytics: Practical Insights for Today's Accountant



2.00 Credits

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This session explores tools and techniques that can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of client engagements and business processes using data analysis tools. We will introduce some of today's popular and software tools and examine the AICPA's Five-step approach to incorporating data analytics into public accounting engagements. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Chris Harper, CPA

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Audit 403: Fraud Trends - Applying Real-Life Lessons



2.00 Credits

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Fraud Trends - Applying Real-life Lessons to Small- and Mid-Size Entities will focus on real-life and practical examples of fraud in smaller- and mid-size environments, including nonprofits. Fraud involves an intentional act to deceive, which may result in material misstatement in the financial statements due to fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets. Management's responsibility is to design, implement, maintain and monitor a system of internal control to prevent, or detect and correct, fraud. Note: This is a part of the suggested 16-hour Audit Skills Level 4 curriculum for experienced in-charges or seniors. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Jennifer F. Louis, CPA

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DEI From the Inside Out: Part 1



3.00 Credits

In this session, participants will delve into a comprehensive exploration of what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) truly entails. Often met with resistance due to its perceived condemnatory nature, this session aims to provide a more nuanced definition of DEI, fostering a better understanding among attendees. By demystifying the language surrounding DEI, participants will be equipped with straightforward approaches to seamlessly integrate these principles into their perspectives. This session will spotlight the distinctive features of our DEI model in comparison to other systems. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the model, understanding its unique perspective on achieving DEI success. At its core, our approach is grounded in the simple premise that we are all human beings sharing the common human experience. The goal is to convey to participants the importance of embracing DEI through this paradigm, effectively humanizing the DEI experience. One of the most remarkable DEI experiences unfolded during my son's 18th birthday celebration in our backyard. The event brought together individuals from diverse backgrounds, spanning various walks of life and races, who interacted in a profoundly humanistic manner— an encounter unlike any I had witnessed before. In this session, we will deconstruct this experience and draw parallels to its relevance in workplace dynamics. Speaker - Darrell (Coach D) Andrews

Communication Miracles At Work and In Life - Part 1



4.00 Credits

Communication is the glue that connects people, but it doesn’t come easy for many of us. If you want to quickly and effectively handle problems with co-workers or clients, and you want people to do what you want without a lot of hassle, this seminar is for you. The bottom line will be better client and co-worker relationships, leading to increased enjoyment and productivity at work. Speaker - Jonathan Robinson

Start a Forensic Accounting Practice with Confidence



4.00 Credits

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The need for a forensic accountant has grown in the last two decades, with more expected in the future. From oil well spills to divorces - from stealing trust funds to partnership disputes - forensic accountants are needed to find and calculate losses. They are financial detectives that are needed to explain the money story to attorneys, judges, and juries. If you are interested in starting a forensic accounting practice or adding on this service to your existing firm, this course is for you. In this presentation, you will know what service to provide possible clients, how to find those clients, and the cost-effective ways to start the forensic accounting practice. Your instructor has over 20 years of experience as a special agent with IRS-Criminal Investigation where he conducted investigations into tax and money laundering crimes across the globe. After his successful investigative career, he started a CPA firm from scratch that focused on forensic accounting. He shares the successes and failures in starting a forensic accounting practice, including getting the right credentials, various ways of marketing to potential clients, closing the deal with engagement letters, and delivering the service to the client. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Robert Nordlander, CPA, CFE

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Finding Errors in Excel Spreadsheets



2.00 Credits

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This intensive two-hour course addresses the critical need for accuracy and efficiency when developing spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel. Recognizing that even minor errors can have significant implications, this course delves deep into strategies and skills required to detect and correct errors in Excel. By the end of this course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of how to efficiently identify and correct errors in Excel spreadsheets, enhancing their overall productivity and accuracy in their professional roles. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Bryan L. Smith, CPA.CITP, CISA

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Cultural Transformation



1.00 Credits

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This course provides a complete framework for transforming the culture in your organization. Key topics covered include: - What is organizational culture - A self assessment - Why culture matters - How to change your culture This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Jim Bitterle

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Shortcuts that Excel Users Love



2.00 Credits

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Many people that use Microsoft Excel know a great deal about the functionality of the application. There are, however, a tremendous number of hidden tools that a high percentage of users overlook. Additionally, there are newer features that some have not had the opportunity to explore. This session shows some of the numerous time-saving tools and features that often go unused by spreadsheet creators. People that wish to become more efficient when using Excel should take this session! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.Speaker - Karl Egnatoff, CPA.CITP

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Surgent's The Art of Delegation: Strategies for Improving Your Skills



2.00 Credits

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One of the most challenging skills for a manager or supervisor to master is delegation. This course will cover a variety of delegation-related topics and provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to delegate work and authority effectively.

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Implementation Challenges with the New FASB Lease Standard



2.00 Credits

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Learn the basics of FASB's Accounting Standard Update for Leases (ASC Topic 842), the key differences between ASC Topic 842 and ASC Topic 840, Leases, and the practical challenges and complexities within the new standard and how they apply to you. We will focus on lessee accounting, and will discuss key issues within the standard, required analyses, critical judgments, policy elections, disclosures, and the lessons learned from public filings. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the eventSpeaker - Allison M. Henry, CPA, CGMA

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