News & Alerts
BOI CALL TO ACTION: Ask the US Senate to pass H.R. 5119 by 12/31
December 18, 2023
Express your concerns with FinCEN beneficial ownership reporting requirements. Call your two US Senators and urge them to pass H.R. 5119 as passed by the US House of Representatives before the end of the year.
LDR Updates Guidance for Filing Relief for Taxpayers Impacted by Seawater Intrusion
October 12, 2023
LDR has added guidance regarding possible penalty relief if a taxpayer’s critical tax records are not within the declared disaster area. Get all the details.
LDR Filing Relief for Taxpayers Impacted by Seawater Intrusion
October 09, 2023
LDR granted automatic filing extensions to taxpayers whose primary residences, principal places of business, critical tax records, or paid tax preparers are located in parishes within the federal disaster declaration as a result of seawater intrusion.
IRS Tax Relief for taxpayers Impacted by Seawater Intrusion
October 02, 2023
Taxpayers affected by seawater intrusion in parts of Louisiana that began Sept. 20, 2023, now have until Feb. 15, 2024, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments. Read which parishes qualify.
IRS releases contingency plan for likely shutdown
September 29, 2023
The fiscal 2024 Lapsed Appropriations Contingency Plan will go into effect when the IRS is notified that government appropriations have lapsed and that a shutdown is to be initiated. Read the full AICPA Journal of Accountancy article about the IRS plan including a short summary on which operations will continue, which will stop.
AICPA requests IRS contingency plan in case of government shutdown
September 28, 2023
Read AICPA's letter to the Department of the Treasury, the IRS and Congressional leadership requesting the release of the IRS contingency plan that would go into effect in the event of a government shutdown on October 1, 2023.
PAR's Guide Constitutional Amendments ; Marketplace & Direct Sales Collect/Remit Tax Guidance
September 26, 2023
Be prepared to vote on Oct 14 and Nov 18. Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana released its nonpartisan educational guide. Plus, the Remote Sellers Commission recently issued guidance on collection and remittance requirements for LA merchants.
IRS Halts New ERC Processing; Criminal Cases Being Worked on Current Claims
September 15, 2023
A moratorium on processing of new claims through year’s end will allow the IRS to add more safeguards to prevent future abuse and protect businesses from predatory tactics. The IRS is working with the Justice Department to pursue fraud fueled by aggressive marketing.
Call to Action: Ask Lawmakers to Cosponsor Bill to Delay BOI Reporting Requirement
September 07, 2023
We urge LCPA members to contact their Representatives and Senators in Congress by Sept. 15, either through email or phone calls, asking them to cosponsor H.R. 4035 and S. 2623. See tips on contacting your Member of Congress.
LA 2nd Amendment Sales Tax Holiday Reinstated; Set for Sep 1-3
August 23, 2023
The 2023 Annual Louisiana Second Amendment Weekend Sales Tax Holiday begins on Friday, September 1, at 12:01 a.m. and ends at midnight on Sunday, September 3, 2023.
LDR Credit Taxes Paid and Restore LA Loan Program
August 17, 2023
Get the latest on Louisiana tax credits and disaster recovery assistance.
2023-24 Board of Directors Elected at Annual Meeting
August 11, 2023
LCPA held its Annual Meeting and Election of Officers on August 9 at The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans. Meet our new Board of Directors.
LCPA Announces 2023 Service Award Recipients
August 11, 2023
LCPA recently honored 10 members for their remarkable contributions to the CPA profession and the communities they serve. Read about these outstanding individuals and their service that makes us proud!
LDR Jul 1 and Oct 1 Nicotine & Vapor Products Taxing & Purchasing Changes
June 29, 2023
LDR has issued guidance on Act 414.
LDR RIBs issued – North and Central La. State of Emergency Declaration
June 27, 2023
LDR grants extensions to North and Central Louisiana due to severe weather and issues written request procedures for non-resident emergency services.
Jun 9, 2023 Comply FTC Safeguard Rule; Jan 1, 2024 BOI Reporting Start Date
June 07, 2023
Updates on the FTC's Safeguards Rule (deadline June 9, 2023) and how it impacts tax preparers; and news on accessing resources for new Beneficial Ownership Information reporting requirements — an anti-money laundering initiative enacted through the Corporate Transparency Act.
Coalition Including CPAs Calls Attention to New Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements
May 26, 2023
Access resources to learn about the beneficial ownership information reporting requirement under FinCEN’s Corporate Transparency Act (CTA).
LDR Automatic Filing Extensions and Worker Classification
May 09, 2023
Our Advocacy Team keeps you updated on issues impacting how you do business.
LCPA Announces the 2023-24 BOD Slate of Candidates
April 26, 2023
See who the LCPA Nominating Committee selected as candidates for the 2023-24 Board of Directors.
April 18 Not LDR Holiday for Est Tax & L-1
April 13, 2023
April 18, Emancipation Day, is NOT a holiday for Louisiana purposes. Take a look at LDR Filing Due dates for Monday, April 17, 2023